When the opportunity arises, we capitalize on opportunistic engineering. By understanding the fundamental science behind brain injury and downstream consequences to neuronal activity, it becomes abundantly clear which of the competing design parameters need to be prioritized1. It is this philosophy that led to the design of the chronically implantable carbon fiber ultra-microelectrodes, which was ultimately published in Nature Materials2. Similarly, we discovered that it was much more difficult to eliminate the two-photon photoelectric effect on carbon fiber electrodes during simultaneous electrophysiology and two-photon imaging experiments, which we discussed in detail in the Journal of Material Chemistry B3. We instead used this “bug” as a “feature” to drive wireless electrical stimulation in free-floating carbon fiber electrodes in the brain, which was recently published in IEEE TBME4. While it is difficult to predict when basic science research exposes opportunities for innovative engineering, we demonstrate that we have the capability to capitalize on these opportunities. Our research program is taking a more "long-ranged view" in building fundamental knowledge and filling in basic science gaps. By understanding and uncovering the underlying scientific principles, we build foundational knowledge that can more readily apply to new conditions.
1 Wellman, S. M. et al. A Materials Roadmap to Functional Neural Interface Design. Advanced Functional Materials 28, 201701269, doi:10.1002/adfm.201701269 (2018).
2 Kozai, T. D. Y. et al. Ultrasmall implantable composite microelectrodes with bioactive surfaces for chronic neural interfaces. Nat Mater 11, 1065-1073, doi:10.1038/nmat3468 (2012).
3 Kozai, T. D. Y. & Vazquez, A. L. Photoelectric artefact from optogenetics and imaging on microelectrodes and bioelectronics: New Challenges and Opportunities. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 3, 4965-4978 (2015).
4 Stocking, K. C., Vazquez, A. L. & Kozai, T. D. Y. Intracortical neural stimulation with untethered, ultrasmall carbon fiber electrodes mediated by the photoelectric effect. Ieee T Bio-Med Eng (2019).