ACS Chemical Neuroscience: Most Cited Papers from 2015
Post date: Aug 22, 2017 6:57:53 PM
"The most cited paper from 2015 thus far, is a review article from Kozai and co-workers at the University of Pittsburgh and the McGowan Center for Regenerative Medicine entitled “Brain tissue responses to neural implants impact signal sensitivity and intervention strategies” (DOI: 10.1021/cn500256e).(2) This review was in the biannual special issue on Monitoring Molecules, edited by Prof. Anne Andrews. The review focused on the complex molecular and cellular changes that occur when a device breaches the blood-brain barrier and is implanted. The review does a fantastic job summarizing the magnitude, variability, and time course (of acute, seconds to minutes, and chronic, week to months) of injuries and responses to the introduction of foreign bodies into the brain. The review ends with reflections on how and deeper understanding of these complex issues might lead to devices with improved sensitivity and longevity.(2) This is truly a must read."